Title: Dottie Jewels Painting
Size: 24″ x 36″ on a stretched canvas. 1.5″ profile (thickness).
Mixed media including acrylics, dimensional fabric paint, paper, glitter, crepe paper and pastels.
Archival matte finish.
Colorful, textural shapes painting using a variety of mixed medias including crepe paper, fabric paint in which dots were squeezed out of bottles, glitter, and acrylic paint. This painting was a playful, fun experiment with some of my many art supplies that I hadn’t yet used.
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Title: Dottie Jewels Painting
Size: 24″ x 36″ on a stretched canvas. 1.5″ profile (thickness).
Mixed media including acrylics, dimensional fabric paint, paper, glitter, crepe paper and pastels.
Archival matte finish.