Title: Cake Five Candles Original Painting
Size: 12″ x12″ on canvas. 1.5″ profile (thickness)
Acrylic paint, mediums, cut recycled cardboard, pastels.
Archival matte finish.
She woke up and thought it would be a good day to sip some tea and bake a polka dotted cake. Outside it was a foggy fall day. She cut a small steaming slice (she wasn’t one to let it cool down), let the dog lick her fingers, watched the birds and squirrels in the yard and opened her book of poems.
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Title: Cake Five Candles Original Painting
Size: 12″ x12″ on canvas. 1.5″ profile (thickness)
Acrylic paint, mediums, cut recycled cardboard, pastels.
Archival matte finish.