Title: Bird Plus Mixed Media Painting
Size: 10″ x10″ on canvas. 1.5″ profile (thickness)
Acrylic paint, mediums, cut paper.
Archival matte finish.
The bird with the red belly had a very full interior imagination. It would stray from the flock distracted by all the many things to think about. The shapes it saw when aloft, the vibrant colors; it especially loved closing it’s eyes on a breezy day and letting the wind take it where it would. Floating through the soft downy clouds was perhaps one of the most wondrous sensations of the day.
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Title: Bird Plus Mixed Media Painting
Size: 10″ x10″ on canvas. 1.5″ profile (thickness)
Acrylic paint, mediums, cut paper.
Archival matte finish.
Weight | 3 lbs |